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Media is a relatively new form of art, especially to me.  I begun  working with video on a more artistic level in 2011. It is a medium, although time consuming, I have very much grown to love. I find the creation of videos a great way to display work, whether it be informational or artistic, to engage the viewers completely is inevitably the ultimate goal. In addition, I love to write and the creation of short films allows me to incorporate not only visuals but a written track as well.  

EXCAVATION, 2011 - 2012.

This project is based off the 13th arrondissement in Paris. Specifically, it investigates the excavation taking place within the 13th. The photo projected in the film is a major excavation site which I photographed for inspiration during the project.  Excavation is the act of revealing, unveiling or extracting something to reveal something new. Here I imagine layer upon layer being removed and revealing new truths through the act of excavation. The poem is written as a self analysis of excavation.


This project is also based on the theme 'excavation'. I worked on this film in collaboration with a close friend, Kelsey Hutton. We were inspired to take a second look at excavation. This time we took a much different approach. We created a specific route through the 13th arrondissement and walked it backwards and forwards. The film tells the story of a young female on a pensive stroll, excavating the corners of her mind, while the 13th acts as her muse. 

TRIP TO THE MARKET, 2011 - 2012.

In this project I analyzed the aspect of community, both in the group of classmates who make a trip to the market and the behavior of the Parisians at the market. We sought inspiration and insight into the meaning of community. 

HABIT, 2011 - 2012. 

With this project I begun the research of a habit. I chose smoking and from there progressed into further inquiry of the relationship between smoke, an ephemeral, organic substance, and the human body in pursuit of the eventual creation of ephemeral clothing. I filmed smoke, as well as ink in water (which creates the same random dispersion in the water as the smoke does in the air), and paired this movement with the gesticulation of the dancer. Finally I overlaid  a poem I wrote, as primary research of a 'Habit'. 

WHY I CHOSE PARSONS, Parsons Scholarship Competition, 2013.

This project was made as an entry to the Parsons The New School scholarship challenge and received special recognition from the Associate Director of Admissions. I wrote a poem in response to the questions, Why I Chose Parsons and Why Am I New School? As well as I compiled an evolution of garments, frame by frame, to create a continually transforming wardrobe as the poem is written on the wall. 

SCHIZOPHRENIC, Textile Project, 2013.

This project was made as a function of displaying the dress I created as a sort of second skin with fine thread knit appliqued on top. The figure demonstrates a sense of uncomfort within their own skin and seek a way to rip open the body in escape. 


This video showcases a few silhouettes that are being developped as part of my senior year thesis collection. 

Un Café Chéri, 2014. 

The idea behind this video was to capture a piece of myself in a short film. I chose to focus on the daily activities in life that make up a large part of who we are. From the intimate relationship with a partner to the simple act of sharing a coffee in the morning before going our separate ways for the day. 


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